Prompt Generator


This part contains TemplateGenerator and VerbalizerGenerator. Both follow the implementation in Making Pre-trained Language Models Better Few-shot Learners(Gao et al. 2020) and conduct automatic generation of hard template and verbalizer based on the given counterpart.

Base Classes

All prompt generator using LM-BFF method can be realized using the two base classes by simply re-implementing the abstract method in the two classes. The provided implementation T5TemplateGenerator and RobertaVerbalizerGenerator both inherit from the base classes, respectively.

class TemplateGenerator(model: transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel, tokenizer: transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer, tokenizer_wrapper: tokenizers.Tokenizer, verbalizer: openprompt.prompt_base.Verbalizer, max_length: Optional[int] = 20, target_number: Optional[int] = 2, beam_width: Optional[int] = 100, length_limit: Optional[List[int]] = None, forbidden_word_ids: Optional[List[int]] = [], config: Optional[yacs.config.CfgNode] = None)

This is the automatic template search implementation for LM-BFF. It uses a generation model to generate multi-part text to fill in the template. By jointly considering all samples in the dataset, it uses beam search decoding method to generate a designated number of templates with the highest probability. The generated template may be uniformly used for all samples in the dataset.

  • model (PretrainedModel) – A pretrained model for generation.

  • tokenizer (PretrainedTokenizer) – A corresponding type tokenizer.

  • tokenizer_wrapper (TokenizerWrapper) – A corresponding type tokenizer wrapper class.

  • max_length (Optional[int]) – The maximum length of total generated template. Defaults to 20.

  • target_number (Optional[int]) – The number of separate parts to generate, e.g. in T5, every <extra_id_{}> token stands for one part. Defaults to 2.

  • beam_width (Optional[int]) – The beam search width. Defaults to 100.

  • length_limit (Optional[List[int]]) – The length limit for each part of content, if None, there is no limit. If not None, the list should have a length equal to target_number. Defaults to None.

  • forbidden_word_ids (Optional[List[int]]) – Any tokenizer-specific token_id you want to prevent from generating. Defaults to [], i.e. all tokens in the vocabulary are allowed in the generated template.

convert_template(generated_template: List[str], original_template: List[Dict]) str

Given original template used for template generation,convert the generated template into a standard template for downstream prompt model, return a str Example: generated_template: [‘<extra_id_0>’, ‘it’, ‘is’, ‘<extra_id_1>’, ‘one’, ‘</s>’] original_template: [{‘add_prefix_space’: ‘’, ‘placeholder’: ‘text_a’}, {‘add_prefix_space’: ‘ ‘, ‘mask’: None}, {‘add_prefix_space’: ‘ ‘, ‘meta’: ‘labelword’}, {‘add_prefix_space’: ‘ ‘, ‘mask’: None}, {‘add_prefix_space’: ‘’, ‘text’: ‘.’}] return: “{‘placeholder’:’text_a’} it is {“mask”} one.”

property device

return the device of the model

classmethod from_config(config: yacs.config.CfgNode, **kwargs)

template_generator (TemplateGenerator)

generate(dataset: List[openprompt.data_utils.utils.InputExample])

dataset (List[InputExample]) – The dataset based on which template it to be generated.


The generated template text

Return type

template_text (List[str])

abstract get_part_token_id(part_id: int) int

Get the start token id for the current part. It should be specified according to the specific model type. For T5 model, for example, the start token for part_id=0 is <extra_id_0>, this method should return the corresponding token_id. :param part_id: The current part id (starts with 0). :type part_id: int


The corresponding start token_id.

Return type

token_id (int)

class VerbalizerGenerator(model: transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel, tokenizer: transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer, candidate_num: Optional[int] = 100, label_word_num_per_class: Optional[int] = 100)

This is the automatic label word search implementation in LM-BFF.

  • model (PretrainedModel) – A pre-trained model for label word generation.

  • tokenizer (PretrainedTokenizer) – The corresponding tokenize.

  • candidate_num (Optional[int]) – The number of label word combinations to generate. Validation will then be performed on each combination. Defaults to 100.

  • label_word_num_per_class (Optional[int]) – The number of candidate label words per class. Defaults to 100.

classmethod from_config(config: yacs.config.CfgNode, **kwargs)

verbalizer_generator (VerbalizerGenerator)


Generate label words.


A list of generated label word.

Return type

label_words (List[List[str]])

abstract invalid_label_word(word: str)

Decide whether the generated token is a valid label word. Heuristic strategy can be implemented here, e.g. requiring that a label word must be the start token of a word.


word (str) – The token.


True if it cannot be a label word.

Return type

is_invalid (bool)

abstract post_process(word: str)

Post-processing for generated labrl word.


word (str) – The original word token.


The post-processed token.

Return type

processed_word (str)


class T5TemplateGenerator(model: transformers.models.t5.modeling_t5.T5ForConditionalGeneration, tokenizer: transformers.utils.dummy_sentencepiece_objects.T5Tokenizer, tokenizer_wrapper: tokenizers.Tokenizer, verbalizer: openprompt.prompt_base.Verbalizer, max_length: Optional[int] = 20, target_number: Optional[int] = 2, beam_width: Optional[int] = 100, length_limit: Optional[List[int]] = None, forbidden_word_ids: Optional[List[int]] = [3, 19794, 22354], config: Optional[yacs.config.CfgNode] = None)

Automatic template search using T5 model. This class inherits from TemplateGenerator.


Get the start token id for the current part. It should be specified according to the specific model type. For T5 model, for example, the start token for part_id=0 is <extra_id_0>, this method should return the corresponding token_id. :param part_id: The current part id (starts with 0). :type part_id: int


The corresponding start token_id.

Return type

token_id (int)


class RobertaVerbalizerGenerator(model: transformers.models.roberta.modeling_roberta.RobertaForMaskedLM, tokenizer: transformers.models.roberta.tokenization_roberta.RobertaTokenizer, candidate_num: Optional[int] = 100, label_word_num_per_class: Optional[int] = 100)
invalid_label_word(word: str)

Decide whether the generated token is a valid label word. Heuristic strategy can be implemented here, e.g. requiring that a label word must be the start token of a word.


word (str) – The token.


True if it cannot be a label word.

Return type

is_invalid (bool)

post_process(word: str)

Post-processing for generated labrl word.


word (str) – The original word token.


The post-processed token.

Return type

processed_word (str)